Bruce Teter, Ph.D.
Associate Adjunct Professor
Department of Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
West Los Angeles Medical Center
11301 Wilshire Blvd., Building 114, Room #114-1
Los Angeles, CA 90073
Tel: (310) 478-3711 x42543
Email: bteter@ucla.edu
Bruce Teter received a B.S. in marine biology and a minor in chemistry from Cal. State U., Long Beach in 1982. Dr. Teter received a Ph.D. degree in molecular biology from the University of Southern California in 1991 studying DNA structure in control of protein binding and gene expression. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in neurogerontology focusing on epigenetic control of gene expression changes with aging, working with Dr. Caleb Finch at the Andrus Gerontology Center in the School of Gerontology at USC. In 1996 he joined the lab of Dr. Greg Cole at UCLA and is currently Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology, and Chief of the ApoE Research Laboratory, and Research Associate at GRECC, Veterans Administration, GLAHS.
Neurobiology of apolipoprotein E (apoE), the mechanisms of regeneration in the brain, and the role this may play in neurodegeneration of Alzheimer's (AD).
COMPLETED - Project 3: Efficacy of New Drugs Directed against Beta Amyloid using in vitro and in vivo Models
COMPLETED - Pilot Project 12.3: The Role of Mitochondria in the Metabolic Defects of ApoE4
Cole and Frautschy Alzheimer Research Laboratories
Research Interests
Dr. Teter's research focuses on the neurobiology of apolipoprotein E (apoE),and how the apoE4 isotype is the major genetic risk factor for sporadic AD. Dr. Teter has published seminal works showing how apoE4 inhibits neuroplasticity. His current research examines how apoE4 increases inflammation and modulates the innate immune system, both in the brain and in peripheral blood. These phenotypes are being examined for their role in pharmacogenetic effects of apoE4 on inhibiting the efficacy of therapeutic drugs, like the omega-3 fatty acid DHA found in fish oil, and the anti-inflammatory drug curcumin, a compound in curry spice. The goal is to find ways to overcome this apoE4 inhibition of drug efficacy, possibly through the addition of exercise.
Education and Degrees
1982 -- B.S., Cum- laude, Marine Biology, California State University, Long Beach
1982 -- Minor Chemistry, California State University, Long Beach
1991 -- Ph.D. Molecular Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1995 -- Postdoctoral Neurogerontology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1999 -- Postdoctoral, Alzheimer's disease, University of California, Los Angeles
Awards and Honors
Irving B. Fritz Award for outstanding presentation as a junior investigator at the Gordon Research Conference “Clusterin (ApoJ) and ApoE in Normal and Pathological tissue Remodeling” (Fourth Clusterin Workshop), 1999; 1-1999.
Goldman Geriatrics Research Award, Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Health Service (GLAHS) Research Service, 2000.
Co-organizer of three biannual workshops “Plasticity and Repair in Neurodegenerative Disorders” sponsored by UCLA and USC, at UCLA Arrowhead Conference Center, Feb 19-22, 2004, May 11-14, 2006, May 15-18, 2008.
Acceptance of proposal Curcumin Intervention for Anti-Aging by the NIA Interventions Testing Program to test curcumin for its ability to extend life-span in mice; 12-2006.
(selected peer-reviewed publications)
Calon F, Lim G, Yang F, Morihara T, Teter B, Ubeda O, Rostaing P, Triller A, Salem N Jr, Ashe KH, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Docosahexaenoic acid protects from dendritic pathology in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Neuron 2004;43(5):633-645. PMID: 15339646; PMCID: PMC2442162
Zhao L , Teter B, Morihara T, Lim G, Ambegaokar SS, Ubeda O, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Insulin-degrading enzyme as a downstream target of insulin receptor signaling cascade: implications for Alzheimer’s disease intervention. J. Neuroscience 2004;24:11120-11126. PMID: 15590928; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2860-4.2004
Morihara T, Teter B, Lim G, Yang F, Frautschy SA, Ubeda O, Beech W, Boudinot S, Boudinot D, Cole GM. Ibuprofen suppresses interleukin-1ß induction of pro-amyloidogenic a-antichymotrypsin to ameliorate beta-amyloid (Aß) pathology in Alzheimer's models. Neuropsychopharmacology 2005;30(6):1111-1120. PMID: 15688088; DOI: 10.1038/sj.npp.1300668
Lim G, Calon F, Morihara T, Yang F, Teter B, Ubeda O, Salem N Jr, Ashe KH, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. A diet enriched diet enriched with the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) reduces amyloid burden in an aged Alzheimer mouse model. J. Neuroscience 2005;25(12):3032-3040. PMID: 15788759; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4225-04.2005
Ma QL, Lim GM, Harris-White ME, Yang F, Ambegaokar SS, Ubeda OJ, Glabe CG, Teter B, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Antibodies against beta-amyloidreduce Abeta oligomers, glycogen synthase kinase-3beta activation and tau phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro. J Neurosci Res. 2006;83(3):374-384. PMID: 16385556; DOI: 10.1002/JNR.20734
Zhao L, Calon F, Harris-White ME, Ma QL, Yang F, Lim G, Morihara T, Ubeda O, Ambegaokar S, Teter B, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Role of p21-Activated Kinase (PAK) pathway defects in Alzheimer's disease cognitive deficits. Nature Neurosci. 2006;9(2):234-242. PMID: 16415866; DOI: 10.1038/nn1630
Ma QL, Harris-White ME, Ubeda OJ, Simmons M, Beech W, Lim GP, Teter B, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Evidence of Abeta- and transgene-dependent defects in ERK-CREB signaling in Alzheimer's models. J Neurochem. 2007;103(4):1594-607. PMID: 17760871; PMCID: PMC2527620
Ma Ql, Ubeda OJ, Simmons M, Teter B, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Docosahexaenoic Acid Increases Sorla/LR11, a Sorting Protein with Reduced Expression in Sporadic Alzheimer Disease (AD): Relevance to AD Prevention. J. Neurosci. 2007;27(52):14299-14307. PMID: 18160637; PMCID: PMC2628584
Begum AN, Heath DD, Rock CL, Faull KF, Teter B, Cole GM, Frautschy SA. Curcumin structure-function, bioavailability in models of neuroinflammation and Alzheimer’s. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2008;326(1):196-208. PMID: 18417733; PMCID: PMC2527621
Ma QL, Galasko DR, Ringman JM, Vinters HV, Edland SD, Pomakian J, Ubeda OJ, Rosario ER, Teter B, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Reduction of SorLA/LR11, a sorting protein limiting beta-amyloid production, in Alzheimer disease cerebrospinal fluid. Arch Neurol. 2009;66(4):448-57. PMID: 19364929; PMCID: PMC2742778
Strong R, Miller R, Astle C, Baur J, Cabo R, Fernandez E, Guo W, Kirkland J, Nelson J, Sinclair Da, Teter B, Williams D, Zaveri N, Nadon N. Evaluation of resveratrol, green tea extract, curcumin, oxaloacetic acid, and medium chain triglyceride oil on lifespan of genetically heterogeneous mice. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 2013;68(1):6-16. PMID: 22451473; PMCID: PMC3598361
Spindler SR, Mote PL, Flegal JM, Teter B. Influence on longevity of blueberry, cinnamon, green and black tea, pomegranate, sesame, curcumin, morin, pycnogenol, quercetin, and taxifolin fed iso-calorically to long-lived, F1 hybrid mice. Rejuvenation Res. 2013;16(2):143-51. PMID: 23432089; DOI: 10.1089/rej.2012.1386
Teter B, LaDu MJ, Sullivan PM, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Apolipoprotein E isotype-dependent modulation of microRNA-146a in plasma and brain. Neuroreport. 2016;27(11):791-795. PMID: 27281274; PMCID: PMC5042345