Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer's Research and Care at UCLA
Equity for Latinx-Hispanic Healthy Aging (ELHA) Lab 
710 Westwood Plaza, Room C-224
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1769
Tel: (310) 825-2600


Aisha joins the Department as the new clinical research coordinator at the Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer's Disease Research at UCLA. Aisha received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of San Francisco with minors in Neuroscience, Health Studies, and Business Entrepreneurship & Innovation. During her undergraduate studies, she worked for Neuroscape at the University of California, San Francisco where she focused on projects surrounding cognitive training and assessments for adolescents. Before joining the Easton Center, she also interned at the University of Pennsylvania where she focused on topics of social interaction and neuroeconomics. Aisha is excited to contribute to the mission of the UCLA Easton Center.


ADRC - Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement Core

Equity for Latinx-Hispanic Healthy Aging (ELHA) Lab

Education and Degrees

Bachelor of Arts, Major in Psychology with minors in Neuroscience, Health Studies, and Business Entrepreneurship & Innovation, University of San Francisco


Mohammed A , Xing R, Marzoratti A, Fabian E, Mpundu G, Hanson J, Guttierez G. (2020) Healthcare For None: The Multidimensionality of Racial Health Disparities, and Their Role in a Pandemic. University of Pennsylvania Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics.

Poster Presentations

Ramirez Vega EP, Bezonsky DE, Mohammed A, Poulson MC, Caprio EH, Peérez JE. (2020) Religious Coping Styles Predict Posttraumatic Growth among Cancer Patients. Western Psychological Association Conference. San Francisco, CA.

Ramirez Vega EP, Bezonsky DE, Mohammed A, Poulson MC, Caprio EH, Peérez JE. (2020) Religious Coping Styles Predict Posttraumatic Growth among Cancer Patients. University of San Francisco Creative Activity and Research Day. San Francisco, CA.

Mohammed A. (2020) Hidden Profile Task in the Age of Zoom. Virtual Leadership Alliance National Symposium 2020. Virtual.

Mohammed A. (Spring 2021) The Effects of Growth or Fixed Mindset on Implementing Planfulness and Grit After Viewing Motivational Media. Western Psychological Association Conference. Virtual.

Mohammed A, Caprio EH, Poulson MC, Ramirez Vega EP, Bezonsky DE, Peérez JE. (Spring 2021) The Relationship Between Spiritual Connectedness, Organizational Religiousness, Self-Esteem, and Death Anxiety in Older Adults. Western Psychological Association Conference. Virtual.