
The Dementia Research, Education, and Advancement in Los Angeles (DREAM-LA) study is an observational, tiered participation study for participants with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), an AD related dementia (ADRD), or cognitively normal control. We are looking for people who are Hispanic/Latino (HL), Black/African American, or Asian American, Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI). The are multiple levels of participation that are available. Study procedures may include: Medical exam, Survey about social factors, Genetic counseling, Cognitive test, Brain MRI (an image of the brain), Blood draw, and 2-hour brain wave study.

  • Duration: One-time participation, with 1-2 visits
  • Requirements to participate in the study include:
    • Age: 45 and older
    • Have a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), an AD related dementia (ADRD), or cognitively normal control
    • Self-report as Hispanic/Latino (HL), Black/African American, or Asian American, Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI)

(PI: Keith Vossel, MD, MSc)

To learn more, please contact Sydney Kilgore at (310) 825-3198 or by email at Skilgore@mednet.ucla.edu, Katy Figueroa at (310) 206-8993 or by email at KAFigueroa@mednet.ucla.edu, or Karen Elrayes at (310) 206-1822 or by email at KElrayes@mednet.ucla.edu.

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