
NIA-AD FBS (National Institute on Aging - Alzheimer’s Disease Family Based Study) is a longitudinal observational study recruiting families with multiple members diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or related disorders for genetic research. The study seeks to enroll families with 3+ individuals willing to participate. For families to be included, at least one sibling must have an established diagnosis of AD OR have a diagnosis of a related disorder such as frontotemporal dementia (FTD) or dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). This participant must also have a living sibling with AD and a third living relative affected with AD or unaffected. The family will also require an informant. Those who choose to participate in this study will undergo cognitive testing, MRIs, and blood draws every 18 months for up to 5 years.

(Principal Investigator: Keith Vossel, MD, MSc)

Contact: Karen Elrayes at (310) 206-1822 or KElrayes@mednet.ucla.edu, Katy Figueroa at (310) 206-8993 or KAFigueroa@mednet.ucla.edu, or Sydney Kilgore at (310) 825-3198 or Skilgore@mednet.ucla.edu to participate in this study or for more information.

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