• The Art of Asking for Help (Care Ecosystem)

    English PDF

    Used with permission from the Care Ecosystem, memory.ucsf.edu/Care-Ecosystem.

  • Caregiver Stress and Burnout (HelpGuide.org)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of HelpGuide.org.

  • Caregiver Tip Sheets - IDEA! Strategy (Alzheimer's Los Angeles)

    English PDF  Chinese PDF

    Source and courtesy of Alzheimer's Los Angeles.

  • Caregivers and Exercise—Take Time for Yourself (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • Caregiving and Ambiguous Loss (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance.

  • Changes in Intimacy and Sexuality in Alzheimer's Disease (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • Dementia, Caregiving, and Controlling Frustration (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance.

  • Depression and Caregiving (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance.

  • Dignity and Self-Determination (Care Ecosystem)

    English PDF

    Used with permission from the Care Ecosystem, memory.ucsf.edu/Care-Ecosystem.

  • The Caregiver's Companion to Peace and Positives: Finding the Positives Along Your Journey (BetheMatch.org)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of BetheMatch.org.

  • Laughter is the Best Medicine (HelpGuide.org)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of HelpGuide.org.

  • Personal Care - Assisting a Person with Middle- or Late-stage Dementia with Daily Needs (Alzheimer's Association - Chinese)

    Chinese PDF

    Source and Courtesy of Alzheimer's Association.

  • Recommended Reading (Care Ecosystem)

    English PDF

    Used with permission from the Care Ecosystem, memory.ucsf.edu/Care-Ecosystem.

  • Self-Check Tool for a Caregiver (Care Ecosystem)

    English PDF

    Used with permission from the Care Ecosystem, memory.ucsf.edu/Care-Ecosystem.

  • Sexuality and Dementia (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance.

  • Sexuality in Later Life (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • Taking Care of Yourself: Tips for Caregivers (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • Taking Care of YOU: Self-Care for Family Caregivers (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance.

  • Taking Care of Yourself (Alzheimer's Association)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Alzheimer's Association.

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