• Adult Day Programs (Care Ecosystem)

    English PDF

    Used with permission from the Care Ecosystem, memory.ucsf.edu/Care-Ecosystem.

  • Choosing an Adult Day Center (Alzheimer's Association)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Alzheimer's Association.
  • Caregiving at Home: A Guide to Community Resources (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance.

  • Finding Long-Term Care for a Person with Alzheimer's (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • Overview of Care Options (Care Ecosystem)

    English PDF

    Used with permission from the Care Ecosystem, memory.ucsf.edu/Care-Ecosystem.

  • Long-Term Care: Paying for Care (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).
  • Acute Hospitalization & Alzheimer's Disease: A Special Kind of Care (NCDHHS)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging.

  • Long Term Care Justice and Advocacy (CANHR)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform.

  • Going to the Hospital: Tips for Dementia Caregivers (NIA)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • Hospitalization Happens: A Guide to Hospital Visits for Individuals with Memory Loss (ADEAR)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center.

  • Intermittent Home Health Services Benefit (Medicare.gov)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Medicare.gov.

  • Preparing for a Hospital Stay (Care Ecosystem)

    English PDF

    Used with permission from the Care Ecosystem, memory.ucsf.edu/Care-Ecosystem.

  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Care: Post-Hospital Stay (Medicare.gov)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Medicare.gov.

  • What's Home Health Care (Medicare.gov)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Medicare.gov.

  • In-Home Care

    English PDF 

  • Residential Care Options

    English PDF 

  • Respite Grants

    English PDF 

  • Transitions in Care

    English PDF 

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