• Advanced Dementia: A Guide for Families (Institute for Aging Research and Department of Medicine, Hebrew Senior Life)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Institute for Aging Research and Department of Medicine, Hebrew SeniorLife, Harvard Medical School Affiliate, Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical Center, and Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital.

  • Advanced Illness: Holding On and Letting Go (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance National Center on Caregiving.

  • Checklist of Tasks - Pre and Post Death

    English PDF

    Source not available.

  • Clinical Stages of Alzheimer's (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation.

  • Coping with Late-Stage Alzheimer's Disease (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • End-of-Life Decisions: Honoring the Wishes of a Person with Alzheimer's Disease (Alzheimer's Association - Chinese)

    Chinese PDF 

    Source and Courtesy of Alzheimer's Association.

  • Feeding Choices for Patients with Advanced Dementia (UHN)

    English PDF

    Sources and courtesy of University Health Network (UHN).

  • Grief and Loss (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Sources and courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA).

  • Hospice Care: Maximizing Comfort and Enhancing Quality of Life for Persons with FTD and their Families (Hospice of the Valley)

    English PDF

    Sources and courtesy of Hospice of the Valley.

  • Medicare's Hospice Benefit for Beneficiaries with Alzheimer's Disease (Alzheimer's Association)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of Alzheimer's Association.

  • Providing Comfort at the End of Life (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and Courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • Understanding Health Care Decisions at the End of Life (National Institute on Aging)

    English PDF

    Source and courtesy of National Institute on Aging (NIA).

  • When Caregiving Ends (Family Caregiver Alliance)

    English PDF

    Source and Courtesy of Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA).

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(310) 794-1195