UCLA ADRC Potential Participant Pool
UCLA Easton Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) Potential Participant Pool
Are you Interested in Participating in Alzheimer’s Research?
Alzheimer’s Disease is the leading cause of dementia worldwide. It results in progressive cognitive decline, including memory loss, followed by loss of independent function.
Participating in research helps to advance the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.
Eligibility Criteria
- Age 18 and older.
- Family history of Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia.
- Mild memory problem or early Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia.
- Those with no memory problem interested in Alzheimer’s research.
If you are interested in being contacted about research studies in which you might be a participant, please complete the information and sign-up sheet for participation in research.
Contact: Kagan Clinical Trials Program at (310) 794-6191 or EastonClinicalTrials@mednet.ucla.edu for more information or to participate in a study.