What are the personal benefits of research participation?

  • Access to specialists devoted to the study of this disease
  • Access to research staff including physicians, neuropsychologists, nurses, scientists, and other research staff
  • Access to the cutting-edge technology used only in a research setting


What are the areas of research in Alzheimer’s disease?

  • Underlying causes of disease
  • Methods for early diagnosis
  • New treatments
  • Prevention


What is research in Alzheimer’s disease?

Research is the systematic and careful investigation to better understand a disease. The research includes study in the laboratory as well as in the clinic and is key to finding prevention or cure for Alzheimer’s disease.


Why participate in research for Alzheimer’s disease?

Today, an estimated five million Americans and their families face the everyday challenge of Alzheimer’s disease. By 2050, this number is expected to climb as high as 16 million. Only through research can a cure be found and this outcome prevented. Physicians and scientists are working to better understand this disease but need the help of patients and their families. Without the participation of research subjects, this fight cannot be won. The research that is being done benefits those who participate, others like them, and future generations.


Clinical Studies at Easton Center

Kagan Clinical Trials Program

Provides access to the latest experimental therapies.

Learn about the program


Interventional Studies

See all currently active clinical trials from the Easton Center.

View open studies


Observational Studies

See all currently active studies from the Easton Center.

View open studies


UCLA ADRC Potential Participant Pool

Consent to be contacted for participation in research.

How to Participate